when was first camera invented ?
It might seem hard to define, but the word 'camera' can be traced back around 5th century Greece went there were some early forms of human photography. The first camera was probably a pinhole camera created by Dutch physicist, spectacle makers and inventor Hans Lippershey in that year. The device was made from two lenses that were joined together with a wooden frame. One lens focused an image into the other lens which then focused on a piece of flax-paper coated with bitumen and silver chloride mixed with wax near to where the two lenses met. This made it possible for the user to see an image without actually focusing on anything. When Lippershey took his device to the States and demonstrated it to his friends. They were so impressed that they suggested he contact the States government and in 1608, a man called Johannes Kepler, took him to the States, who understood it enough to produce a description of it and drawings of it. Image source: https://www.smartprix.com/ B...